Thursday, May 23, 2013

Checking the Weather

What's the biggest difference living on the east coast?  You actually have to check the weather when you plan things.  I'm not to use to that.  You just expect it to be 72 and sunny when you are in LA.  DC, you have to deal with rain and temp swings.

It's been almost a week since my last post so I guess it's time to catch up.  I guess I've just been feeling lazy.  Last weekend was a pretty fun weekend.  Went out drinking, met some new people, and did a little bit of exploring.  Lately I feel like I'm living that Jim Carey movie Yes Man were he goes to a self-help guru who convinces him he should say Yes to every think.  When you are in a new city and you get the opportunity to get out, you say yes.  Even if it's something you aren't that into.  For example last Sunday I went and did yoga because I was invited.  I've done yoga before and it's not really my thing but I went anyways.  And honestly, if I'm invited again, I'll go again.  Such is life if a new city.

For this weekend my friends Jeff and Jamie are in town.  The office is shut down tomorrow afternoon so I'm not even sure if I am going to go in.  Basically that means a 4 day weekend.  Tomorrow the plan is to meet up with my friends for a DC tourist day.  Then Saturday we are planning on driving out to Dewey Beach, Delaware.  I think its a few hour drive but I hear it is quite the party.  As for Sunday and Monday, I will figure it out as it comes.  Hopefully I will get lots of pictures and say yes to a few new random adventures.


  1. Adventures are fun. I'd like to see you do Yoga. Haha. You were so inflexible as a kid. :)

  2. Not much has changed on that front. I guess I should go more often and work on that.
