Wednesday, March 20, 2013

No Jet Lag Here

Like the title says jet lag hasn't been a problem.  I've been sleeping like a baby come 11pm.  I guess that's what happens when you take the red eye and don't get into a bed for 48 hours.

It's the beginning of day 3 and I am starting to learn the rhythms of the project a bit.  the standard at this point seems to be about a 12 hour day.  Most people get in around 8am and leave some time around 8pm.  I'd imagine when it really gets down to crunch time those hours will extend a bit.  It's not that bad when you consider you get to go home on Fridays although I'm sure I'll be working a bit on Fridays too. 

The bad part is that I have yet to make it to the gym.  The reality is that I am going to have to do it in the AM.  I have just struggle to motivate myself to get out of bed.  I have a plan in the works though.  I've been in contact with a local crossfit gym.  Stay tuned for updates on that front.

So what about the project?  We have our kickoff meeting next Wednesday so until that happens things will be a little slow.  At this point all about learning what you can and doing random tasks.

The Bad News....  not much.  I guess maybe that I haven't been to the gym at all.

The Good News...  The project is going to nave me traveling to a bunch of different airports over the next weeks to see their operations first hand.  I think this is pretty cool.  Especially when you look at the list of airports.  Most are in warm weather locations including LAX.  I will know more after the kickoff next week.

Hello Snow Storm!  (Monday Night)

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