Tuesday, December 24, 2013

You'll shoot your eye out

It's been a pretty good to start to Christmas. 

Start with a morning at the beach

Then a trip to mammoth 

And some awesome fireworks

Then wrap it up with some hotpants 

Friday, December 20, 2013


Pretty bad hang over today. This bad boy was 3/4 full when we started it. I'm not sure if the bar owner was happy our distraught when we killed it.  The good news is everyone was so worthless this morning we all moved our flights up. 

Ocean waves

Man it feels good to be back in MB.  Fell asleep and woke up to the sound of waves. 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Delayed flights....

.... are the worst. I think it's impossible to fly through Chicago ORD without a delay.  1.5 hours and counting in this pass through. So much for flying out of Dayton early. In the bright side Dispicable Me 2 is the inflight movie and I'm in the exit row. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Off early

We finished up early tonight and I got back to the hotel around 730. Really weird feeling. I honestly have no idea what to do with myself.  I guess I've become a real consultant when it feels strange that I don't have work to do.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Year end

Last trip of the year in Dayton. This is week 11 of 20. Went by fast but there is still a long way to go. 

It was weird packing up last night for the week and for my holiday trip out west. It just kind of snuck up. On the bright side I will be in mammoth in 5 days. The countdown begins. 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Yes, we actually work

What do we do all day. It looks something like this

Full week

It feels good to be home after a full week. We got a lot accomplished this week including a very successful trip out to Indianapolis.  Add that city to the list of places I'd never want to live. We also made it out last night to a steak dinner and a little bar hoping after. Let's just say it it was a long day today for the entire team. 

On a retaliated note, next week we have a partner coming out to Dayton who is infamous for his drinking. The team has all ready been warned by leadership that we will be doing some heavy drinking next Tuesday night and that we will all be super hung over on Wednesday.   Uh oh. 

Also tomorrow is the DC christmass party. Open bar and dinner at a nice French restaurant. I've heard these things can get a bit out of hand too. I'm gona need some serious detox over christmas. 

Monday, December 9, 2013


Looks like I am heading to Indianapolis for the day on Wednesday. We will be visiting an aircraft engine manufacturing site. Should be cool. 

Sleeping in

Wow it feels good to sleep in on a Monday. I'm so glad I checked my flight status last night.  I was literally in bed with the lights off when I checked and found out my flight had been canceled. I got a little bit of work done this morning but this delay is definitely going to put me behind for the week. Let's hope the nights aren't too late this week. 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Snow dat and canceled flight

DC got a little bit of snow today. It made for a good day to stay in the house all day.  The bad part of this, my morning flight has been canceled.  I must admit that I'm looking forward to the shortened week. Time time reset the alarm to 2 hours later. 

Friday, December 6, 2013

Back in DC

Finally landed in DC. This was a long week. The big storm rolling across the country didn't help much. I was delayed 2 hours coming out of Atlanta.  Looking at the weekend it looks like it will be the first snow day of the year on Sunday. Let's hope it doesn't screw up travel on Monday. Fingers crossed. 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Ohio to Atlanta

Another week in Dayton in the books. It was a good week. On the work front we got a lot of work done. We both established a firm directions and made progress towards our final objectives. Most importantly we have a happy client and a happy partner which is what matters.    

Of note this week:

- I found out I will be staffed in Ohio until the end if March and I will be the last person on the ground. Wow, in it for the long haul. 

- I made it to the gym thee times. It's no fun getting up at 5:45 but man am I out of shape. 

- Did a dinner at Flemmings last night. Their Mac and Cheese is so delicious. The dry aged stake wasn't to shabby either. 

- Had a little to much home made cherry moon shine. The principle makes it every year and it's potent. It's a good way to build comradery in the team room but makes getting up for the gym a little more difficult. 

Now I'm off to ATL for training. Can't wait to knock this out and get home. 


Monday, December 2, 2013

Travel itinerary.

I just boarded my flight to Dayton. Because of all the back ups on security I didn't get my standard Dulles Airport breakfast. No worries though, I need to sleep. Last night they were doing work on a commercial buildings roof across the street. They had a compressor running all night. I'm not sure how they can get away with that.  I guess it means that new sound proof windows should be at the top of my shopping list. 

So this weeks travel...  In Dayton through Thursday then off to Atlanta for training on Friday.  Hello another 5 day travel week. After this it should be just 4 day travel weeks until Christmas. 

On a side note, I need a vacation. Not a break but a vacation. 

Holiday travel

Holiday travelers are out in full force today. Normally about 60% of the people in line with me are wearing suits. Today the line is about 5 times bigger and no suits. Premier access is nice but I really need to sign up for TSA Pre Check. 

I went on the website last week and it is near impossible to figure out. Not to surprising for a government site.  It is shocking though when you compare a government site to say your banks website. So why are they so bad?  From my brief experience it's the culture and the compensation which leads to poor talent. 


I think I may have found a roommate this weekend. I interviewed a bunch of people off of craiglist and got one that seemed normally. He doesn't seem business savy though. He actually offered more then I was asking after getting the tour. Now I need to figure out how much to squeez out of him.